Trade Plan Mentoring video for the week of 5/4/2018

Geoff Bysshe | May 5, 2018

Market Bias: Bullish Longs: COST CSX ADSK Shorts: PCAR DLTR

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Trade Plan Mentoring Video for the week of 11/29/2017

Geoff Bysshe | November 29, 2017

Market Bias: Bullish Longs: QCOM XLE VLO WYN Shorts: EA AEM

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Trade Plan for the week of 1/4/2017

Geoff Bysshe | January 4, 2017

Market Bias: Bullish Longs: ALKS TSLA XME Shorts: M TSO

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Trade Plan video for the week of 12/21/2016

Geoff Bysshe | December 22, 2016

Market Bias: Bullish. However, turn defensive if SPY and IWM have an O.R. breakdown below Wednesday's low. Longs: AXLCBI CB HAL Shorts: NOC WYNN V

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Trade Plan For the Week of 12/14/2016

Geoff Bysshe | December 15, 2016

Note this video covers both Slingshot Alerts and Day Trading Edge, and it is a follow up to the video and stocks I discussed in yesterday's video so I've included those stocks below along with the two new ideas for …

Trade Plan For The Week of 12/13/2016

| December 14, 2016

Note this video covers both Slingshot Alerts and Day Trading Edge. I'm sorry for the length. Market Bias: Bullish Longs: INTU X UNP CTXS LVLT XRT Shorts: SWK MJN RRC

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XRT Trade - Retrace to PDH

Geoff Bysshe | April 27, 2013

Another example of this retrace and reversal pattern

Have A Plan For The Market

Geoff Bysshe | April 26, 2013

Even if you are not trading the indexes, have a plan for the market's action

Using Earnings To Find Opportunities

Geoff Bysshe | April 23, 2013

Earnings days can change the personality of a stock

Finding Bullish Reversals On A Bearish Day

Geoff Bysshe | April 16, 2013

On a big down day - look for this pattern for reversals